Luciana Perez - Sponsor Now

Luciana Perez

Partner Genova, Colombia

Age 9

Gender F

Meet Luciana, a bright-eyed 8-year-old girl with a beautiful smile. Luciana lives with her hard-working grandmother, who provides for their family by selling delicious arepas. When you ask Luciana about her favorite food, her face will light up as she excitedly proclaims, "Chinese rice!" The rich, vibrant shade of black also holds a special place in Luciana's heart – it's her absolute favorite color. This energetic young girl loves nothing more than playing soccer, feeling the exhilaration of the game course through her. Going to the foundation is always a treat for Luciana, where she finds joy in the various activities. But you know what's truly remarkable? Luciana dreams of becoming a veterinarian when she grows up so she can care for all kinds of animals with her compassionate heart. With her warm spirit and love for creatures great and small, we know she'll make an excellent vet someday!