Sofia Alejandra - Sponsor Now

Sofia Alejandra

Partner Formavida - Santa Cecilia

Age 19

Gender F

Introducing Sofia Alejandra Prado Mendez, a bright and compassionate 16-year-old with a heart full of dreams and a passion for learning! Sofia lives with her mom and sister. Sofia's favorite food is lasagna and prawns. Her world is painted in a kaleidoscope of colors, from the regal hues of purple and golden to the serene tones of white, black, sky blue, and a specific shade of green, reflecting her appreciation for beauty and diversity. While Sofia finds joy in various sports, including jumping rope, running, and dancing, her true passion lies in academia and literature. She finds solace and fulfillment in the pursuit of knowledge through study and reading, allowing her imagination to soar and her intellect to flourish. Discovering the child development center has been a transformative experience for Sofia. It provides her with a peaceful sanctuary where she can engage in diverse activities and make the most of her time. The welcoming atmosphere and sense of community at the Foundation make her feel like part of a family, where she can thrive and grow. Looking toward the future, Sofia's aspirations are as diverse as her interests. Whether it's becoming a First Responder, a missionary, a veterinarian, or pursuing a career in logistics, Sofia is eager to make a positive impact on the world.


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