Salome - Sponsor Now


Partner Formavida - Bogota, Colombia

Age 9

Gender F

Meet Salome Afanador Chaparro, an imaginative 8-year-old with a heart as colorful as her artwork and a spirit as radiant as the sun. She lives with her stepfather, mother, aunts, uncles and a cousin. Salome's stepfather nurtures growth amidst the soil, while her mother brings sparkle to spaces through her meticulous cleaning. Her favorite dish is Pasta. Her favorite colors are purple and blue. Salome takes to her canvas with boundless imagination and joy. Here, amidst the swirls of paint and the dance of colors, Salome's spirit soars. Painting isn't just an activity for her; it's a symphony of expression and emotion. Beyond the canvas, Salome discovers a sanctuary of learning and spiritual growth at the foundation. Here, amidst the teachings of God and the support of mentors, Salome's faith blossoms, and her understanding deepens. It's a place where every lesson learned is a brushstroke on the canvas of her life, and every prayer whispered is a testament to her inner strength. As Salome looks towards the future, her dreams shimmer like stars in the night sky. With aspirations as bold as becoming a painter, she eagerly awaits the chance to share her vision with the world.