Mariangel Aldana Oviedo - Sponsor Now

Mariangel Aldana Oviedo

Partner Genova, Colombia

Age 8

Gender F

Meet Mari, a bright and bubbly 8-year-old girl with a radiant smile. Mari lives with her mom, an industrious entrepreneur selling t-shirts and cups, and her dad, who works diligently at the water company. When you ask this energetic girl about her favorite food, her eyes will light up as she exclaims, "Hamburgers!" The rich, vibrant shade of purple also holds a special place in Mari's heart – it's her absolute favorite color. This spirited kid loves nothing more than playing basketball, feeling the thrill of the game pulsing through her. Studying is another activity that brings Mari immense joy, as she meticulously pores over her lessons. Going to the foundation is always a treat because she gets to participate in fun activities and learn more about her faith in God. But you know what's truly amazing? Mari dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up so she can help make people feel better with her caring heart. With her compassionate spirit and dedication to learning, we know she'll make an excellent physician someday!