Juan Jose Martinez - Sponsor Now

Juan Jose Martinez

Partner Genova, Colombia

Age 15

Gender M

Meet Juan, a spirited 14-year-old boy with a beaming smile. Juan lives with his parents in a supportive home. When you ask this energetic young man about his favorite food, his face brightens as he proudly proclaims, "Rice and beans!" The bold, vibrant shade of red also holds a special place in Juan's heart – it's his absolute favorite color. This artistic teen loves nothing more than putting pencil to paper, letting his creativity flow through drawings and sketches. Soccer is another passion for Juan. Going to the foundation is always a treat because he gets to learn more about his faith in God while improving his writing skills. But you know what's truly remarkable? Juan dreams of becoming a professional soccer player when he grows up so he can inspire others with his athleticism and devotion to the sport. With his contagious enthusiasm and natural talent, we know he'll make an excellent player someday!